Magnetic Solutions

Harnessing Magnets

Nature's Perfect Technology

Harnessing nature’s perfect technology to simplify manufacturing, installation and accessibility of automotive components while supporting future growth of sensors and switches.


The largest market of Eypex’s fasteners are in overhead systems, and Eypex’s use of magnetics here is more than simply a clever idea.

Eypex developed and patented the first blind fastener for overhead systems. This innovation improved ease of assembly, blind fastening and improved ergonomics.

Couple that with 2 decades of experience in providing ultimate flexibility and efficiencies with magnetic applications.


Eypex is reimagining the old and making them new. We looked to the past in order to see the future.

Magnets may be old news, but Eypex is reimagining the old and making them new. When it comes to the development of sensors this couldn’t be any more true.

Magnetic sensors offer a number of significant advantages such as contactless and wear-free measurements. They are also incredibly durable and inexpensive to manufacture.

Eypex looked back in order to see forward.


  • - Motors
  • - Sensors
  • - Fasteners